FARO® Vantage Laser Trackers | 6DoF
Capture accurate and complete measurements of buildings, facilities and complex environments with confidence
The FARO® VantageS6 Max and VantageE6 Max Laser Trackers offer comprehensive, large-volume 3D measurement up to 80 meters, significantly streamlining your organization’s processes and reducing inspection cycle times — all while ensuring complete confidence in the results.
Vantage Max laser trackers maximize 6 degrees of freedom (6DoF) measurement capabilities via the optional 6Probe, enabling precise measurement of hidden areas and small features.
The 6Probe is a 6DoF solution that meets the dynamic measurement, speed, and accuracy requirements of the most challenging industrial applications. With kinematic self-identifying
styli, you can change probing tips quickly and measure without any recalibration, plus measure hidden areas outside of the tracker’s line of sight with wide acceptance angles.
The typical user of the Vantage Max can save up to 60 minutes of time on any given workday — with a total productivity improvement of 20% compared to lower accuracy probes.
The Vantage Max enables organizations to build, inspect and measure products and parts quickly, simply and precisely with exceptional portability, increasing throughput while maintaining high inspection accuracy.